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The Student News Site of Archbishop Mitty High School

The Monarch

The Student News Site of Archbishop Mitty High School

The Monarch

The Student News Site of Archbishop Mitty High School

The Monarch

Using Magnets to Launch Rockets

Using Magnets to Launch Rockets

Suhrith Kaushik, Vishnu Athreya, Ruth Li, and Mihir Rao April 28, 2024

The iridescent red glow from a loading deck wakes you from your slumber. You hear the gentle hum of a levitating suitcase beside you, bustling crowds eager to board the next spaceship off the Moon colony....

Guardians of the Cyber Realm: The Superpowers of IDS and IPS

Guardians of the Cyber Realm: The Superpowers of IDS and IPS

Nitya Pisolkar April 28, 2024

When you fill out your personal information into a website, do you have a moment of reluctance? An unsettling sense of vulnerability prompted by the countless headlines about cyber attacks and data breaches?...

The Waves of Our Universe

Eesha Iyer, Staff Writer April 27, 2024
Wherever we are, whatever we do, we are generating and feeling gravitational waves. These mysterious footprints in our universe's evolution are a key insight into how our universe came to be and where it's going. Recently, we've improved our methods for detecting gravity waves.
Crop circles like these are often sourced by groundwater as a workaround in areas without rivers and lakes.

The Groundwater Crisis: Crucial, Volatile, and Overlooked

Jonathan Chen, Staff Writer April 27, 2024
Our aquifers are drying up due to our unsustainable usage of their groundwater, and the consequences are astronomical.
Are Self Driving Cars Here?

Are Self Driving Cars Here?

Kaitlyn Altmar and Isabella Shen April 25, 2024
From Waymo to Tesla: the advancement of autonomous vehicles has the potential to change how people approaches driving. Yet with safety, technological, and societal concerns, how will we navigate this new future?
Got Issues? Quantum Computing Will Solve Em'!

Got Issues? Quantum Computing Will Solve Em’!

Akhila Hiremath and Anika Bhutani April 25, 2024
From cybersecurity to physics, quantum computing has the potential to solve some of humanity's greatest problems. It is growing so fast that even Mitty student, Adelina Chau, recently used it to introduce a novel method for drug discovery. With all this progress, what's next?

The Software That Launched Humanity to the Future

Anthony Edmonds and Gaurav Bansal February 26, 2024
Behind Apollo 11's "one small step for man [and] one giant leap for mankind" lies a code humanity will not soon forget.
It’s not science fiction anymore: these tiny robots could soon be curing diseases right inside your bloodstream.

Nanorobots: The Cancer-Curing Magic School Bus

Nitya Pisolkar and Hannah Ying February 25, 2024
It’s not science fiction anymore: these tiny robots could soon be curing diseases right inside your bloodstream.
The Progress of Painlessness: Unveiling the Magic Behind Anesthesia

The Progress of Painlessness: Unveiling the Magic Behind Anesthesia

Nailah Cannon, Staff Writer February 23, 2024
Enter laughing gas and the intersections of biotechnology, neurochemistry, and pain medicine.
Deep Sea Gigantism

Deep Sea Gigantism

Laila Wang and Bianca Sutioso February 19, 2024
Did you know that the eye of the colossal squid is about the size of a soccer ball? Just why are animals that live thousands of meters below the ocean's surface so big?
Designer Babies: Humanity’s Future

Designer Babies: Humanity’s Future

Siddharth Belegere and Manvik Johar February 19, 2024
Though the idea of changing our DNA isn’t new, the process of molecularly editing the genetic code is something now possible through tech like CRISPR. The question that remains is whether we should use it.
Tuas Desalination Plant (RO), Singapore

Problems Sourcing Drinking Water? Seawater may be the Solution

Jonathan Chen, Staff Writer November 26, 2023
Though not perfect, scientists are searching for an answer to our freshwater crisis through methods of desalination
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