Behind the Scenes of Tech Team


     “Oh no! My Notability isn’t working,” you say one Monday night while trying to finish the conclusion paragraph of your English essay. Such a scenario is not uncommon in the Mitty community; both teachers and students often run into technical problems related to their iPad, Macbook, or other technological devices throughout the day. Though these complications can prove to be quite frustrating at times, Mitty’s Tech Team is always ready to help.

     It is no secret that Mitty is an immensely technologically oriented campus, and while the technology presents numerous benefits, it doesn’t always work the way we expect it to. This is one of the many reasons why Tech Team was founded in 2013. The team consists of around twenty students who love tech and are eager to help others manage the issues that come with it by helping fix iPads, MacBooks, Apple TVs, and the computers in the 600 wing. The Tech Team, however, also helps the Mitty community in more ways––ways that often go unnoticed.

     Seniors Sahit Kavukuntla and Nicholas Amireh, who have been a part of the group since their freshman year, explain that the Tech Team also takes care of the booths and presentations for Open House, manages the registration and set up for Black and Gold, and returns to Mitty during the summer to set up iPads for the new freshman. They also conduct student-based projects to determine which devices are functional and which are not. And, continuing their passion for technology, they have even made a fun technological-themed haunted house for kids during Halloween to spark interest in younger generations. 

     Mr. Ortega, Mr. Wallace, and Mr. Anderson also play a huge role in managing the Tech Team. They work directly with Apple, so whenever any app is not functioning properly, they contact the company and spend hours on the phone to figure out what has malfunctioned. The moderators also provide new opportunities for the Tech Team by notifying the students of the latest updates and apps available. And, every once in a while when the Tech Team is feeling down, the teachers elevate their spirits by doing a funny or viral dance. The team greatly appreciates their enthusiasm and thanks them for all the hard work they put in to make sure they don’t face any difficulties. 

     Whether it’s managing all of the school devices or fixing our everyday technological dilemmas, Mitty would not be the same without the Tech Team. The team explains, “We really enjoy helping brighten people’s days, and that’s why we give up time everyday to do it.”